Page 132 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 132

1.   A. insisted         B. considered      c. required        D. demanded
     2.   A. wide             B. heavy           c. plain           D. great
     3.   A. strong           B. tough           c. keen            D. deep
     4.   A. appear           B. develop         c. happen          D. exist
     5.   A. caring           B. passionate      c. loving          D. devoted
     6.   A. end              B. capable         c. proper          D. suitable
     7.   A. doubtless        B. reliable        c. dependent       D. trusting
     8.   A. put              B. do              c. pick            D .turn
     9.   A. ease             B. rest            c. calm            D. quiet
     10.  A. take             B. give            c. get             D. hold
     11.  A. maintains        B.  stays          c. keeps           D. survives
     12.  A. particularly     B. precisely       c. distinctly      D. correctly
     13.  A. taken up         B. come off        c. carried on      D. put in
     14.  A. Nevertheless     B . I n  fact      c. Despite that    D. Even so
     15.  A. totals           B.adds             c. reckons         D. counts

     39.                         IT MUST BE LOVE

        The  final  years  of  secondary  school  are  generally  regarded  as  a  fairly
     stressíul  period  for  students.  There  are  exams  to  (1)  ______   ready  for,
     decisions  about  the  future  to  be  (2)  ______  and  many  other  aspects  of
     growing up  to  come  to  (3 )______ with.  It  may  seem  surprising,  (4 )_______,
     that  students  of this  age  have  enough  time  and  energy  left  for  (5)  ______
     relationships.  For  many,  however,  such  relationships  (6)  ______   an
     important  part  of both  their  social  life  and  their  personal  development.  But
     what are most teenagers (7 )______for in a high school romance?
        For  some,  it’s the chance  to  (8 )______this wonderful  period of discovery
     and adventure with somebody else.  They (9 )______having a loyal friend who
     will  be  there  to  (10)  ______ hy  them  in  times  of need  or  diííĩculty.  It’s  also
     someone they can  (11)         their trust in,  someone to whom their deepest
     secrets can be (12)____
        For  others,  it’s  an  opportunity  to  experiment  with  emotions  and  ideas.
     (13)  ______   of  being  in  a  relationship,  they  learn  what  it  is  like  to  feel
     committed  to  one  other  person.  (14)  ______   a  íeeling  of  security,  such
     relationships can also give a (15)       of what marriage must be like.
     1.   A. come            B. set            c. get            D. learn
     2.   A. brought         B. done           c. had            D. made
     3.   A. face            B. terms          c. rights         D. agree
     4.   A. given           B. although       c. whether        D. thereíore
     5.   A. growing         B. raising        c. forming        D. shaping
     6.   A. play            B. result         c. remind         D. recommend

                                    Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Oiiốc iỉia môn  TiếnỊ’ Anh -  133
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