Page 129 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 129

As a joke,  one of them decided to  (4)      the handle of the night safe a
       pull,  and  to  his  amazement  it  opened  because  it  was  unlocked.  He  couldn’t
       believe  his  eyes  when  he  saw  the  money  inside.  After  a  short  discussion,  he
       and his friend  (5 )______ the bank notes and  (6 )_______away.  Unfortunately
                                      ___was being (8 )_______by security cameras.
       for them, however, the (7 )_____
          The money was reported (9)  _____on the following Monday morning and
       the  teenagers  were  (10)  _____  for  the  crime  within  the  week.  Although
       neither of them would be  (11)___ ___ upon as a “master criminal”, they both
       nevertheless ended up with criminal (12)______ .
          At  what’s  (13)  ______   a juvenile  court  they  were  each  ordered  to  pay  a
       £300  (14)  ______   .  In  addition  to  this,  they  were  ordered  to  write  letters  of
       apology to the bank they had  (1 5 )______the money from.  Lloyds Bank were
       later said to be reviewing their security Systems.

       1.   A. met             B. came           c. chanced        D. found
       2.   A. around          B. over           c. OÍT            D. up
       3.   A. hardly          B. something      c. nothing        D. little
       4.   A. fetch           B. give           c. put            D .take
       5.   A. picked          B. swept          c. held           D. grabbed
       6.   A. disappeared     B.popped          c. ran            D. made
       7.   A. theft           B. fraud          c. burglary       D. lorgéry
       8.   A. registered      B. received       c. recalled       D.recorded
       9.   A. absent          B. vacant         c. missing        D. empty
       10.  A. arrested        B.sentenced       c . charged       D. convicted
       11.  A. regarded        B. looked         c. viewed         D. considered
       12.  A. notes           B. documents      c. charts         D.records
       13.  A. titled          B. known          c. cedled         D. named
       14.  A. reward          B. reíund         c. fee            D. fine
       15.  A. stolen          B. raided         c. mugged         D. cheated

       36.                      M ASTER OF  SU SP E N SE
          In  1926,  the  young  íllm  director,  Alfred  Hitchcock,  made  what  is  now
       regarded  as  his  lírst  masterpiece  called  The  Lodger.  It  was  the  story  of an
       innocent man wrongly  (1 )______of murder and it established its director as
       a  (2)  ______talent.  Although  now  acknovvledged  as  the  best  British  fílm  of
       the era,  fĩlm distributors at the  (3 )______did not think it worthy of general
       release.  For months it sat on the shelf while its director reílected on the thin
       line  that  (4)  ______   success  and  lailure.  That  thin  line  was  to  haunt  him
       throughout his sixty years of fllm-making.
          In  a  (5)  ______ that  began  with  hand-cranked  cameras  and  silent  movie
       stars  and  ended  with  his  blockbuster  thrillers  of  the  1950s  and  1960s,
       Hitchcock tasted success and lailure in (6 )______ equal measure.  His subject
       (7 )______courted  controversy  and  his  style  alternately balíled  and  thrilled
       audiences and critics (8 )______ .

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