Page 34 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 34
(Are you removing the wart or the thumb?)
(Ban dinh loai bo cai mun coc hay Id ngon tay cai?)
Guilt and unkindness can be emotionally destructive to you and
your friends. You must get rid of them.
Toi loi vd sU tdn nhan co the gay tdn thU(tng tinh cam cho ban vc
ban be. Ban nen tong khii chung.
(Are you getting rid of the guilt or your friends?)
(Ban djnh tong khu toi loi hay la ban be cua ban?)
Co ba cdch de tranh gay khd hieu khi dung dai tif.
1. Mot dai tir phai de cap rd rang tdi mot tien ngff duy nhat.
2. Bat dai tff gan vdi tien ngff cua no.
3. Lam cho dai tff de cap tdi mot tien ngff xac dinh.
Ta hay tim hieu tffng nguyen tic nhe.
1. Mot dai tff phai de cap rd rang tdi mot tien ngff duy nhat. Mot lo
thffdng gap khi ndi va viet la khi cung mot dai tff lai de cap td
hdn mot tien ngff. Vi du, trong cau cuoi cua phan trtfdc, them a
the de cap tdi guilt, unkindness, hoac your friends.
Nhd la mot dai tff cd chffc nang thay the cho mot danh tff. Muoi
chic chin ban viet va ndi rd rang thi hay luon luon dung danh tiJ
trtfdc khi dung dai tff. Lam cho cau rd rang hdn bang cach ddnf
danh tff thay cho dai tff gay map md. Nhff the, tat ca nhffng dai til
con lai se de cap rd rang tdi mot tien ngtf duy nhat.
Guilt and unkindness can be emotionally destructive to you ant
your friends. You must get rid of them.
Toi loi vd sU tan nhan co the gay tdn thUtfng tinh cam cho ban vi
ban be. Ban nen loai bo nhCtng dieu nay.
Day la hai cach sffa lai cau nay:
Guilt and unkindness can be emotionally destructive to you am
your friends. You must get rid of these issues.
Toi loi va su tan nhan co the gay tdn thvtong tinh cam cho ban vi
ban be. Ban nen loai bo nluTng van de nay.
Guilt and unkindness can be emotionally destructive to you an<
your friends. You must get rid of these destructive pnmtinnc