Page 161 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 161
9. Khi menh de phu thuQC bii dau b&ng lien tff phu thuoc
v& mpnh de n£y dtfng trtfdc m<?nh de d0c lap thi phai
tdch cic menh de b&ng (dau phay, dau hai cham.)
10. Vdi trang tir, menh de trang tif tra Idi nhffng cau hoi
sau: Cf dau? Tai sao? Khi nao? (Theo phufdng thffc nao?
loai n&o?)
11. Menh de tinh tff b^t dau b&ng mot dai tff quan he dtfdc
goi la menh de (gidi tff, quan he).
12. Dai tff quan he bao gom: who, whom, whose, which,
(that, there).
13. Dung which va that neu tien ngff la mot (ngffdi, vat.)
14. Nhdm tff sau day la mot menh de (phu thuoc, doc lap):
If the no. 2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still no.
Neu but chi so' 2 dffdc dilng nhieu nhat thi tai sao no
van la sd 2?
15. Nhdm tff in nghieng sau day la mot menh de (phu thuoc,
doc lap):
If most car accidents occur within 5 miles of home, why
doesn’t everyone just move 10 miles away?
Neu hau het cac tai nan xe hdi xay ra trong vong 5 dam
quanh nha, tai sao moi ngffdi khong di cach xa 10 dam?
Cau hhi Oidc HqlueM
Chon cau tra Idi dung nhat cho moi cau hdi.
1. Which of the following is not a prepositional phrase?
(a) By the desk
(b) In the rearview mirror
(c) Over their heads
(d) That he didn’t invite his relatives to the party