Page 156 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 156

The traffic is never light on the days when I’m in a hurry.

                     Xe co khong bao gid it vao nhtfng ngay toi cd v i f c  gap.
                     Menh de tinh tiif “when I’m in a hurry " bo nghla cho danh tir dan
                     We selected the candidates who were best qualified for the job.
                     Chung toi chon nhtfng ting vien dap ting dieu ki?n tot nhat cho cong
                     Menh de tinh tif “who were best qualified for the job * bd nghla cho
                     danh tir candidates.
                  3.  Menh de quan he (relative clause)
                     Menh de  tinh tif bdt dau bdng nhffng dai  tff quan he dffdc goi li
                     menh de quan he. Cac dai tff quan he bao gom: who, whom, whose,
                     which, that. Dai tff quan he c6 chffc nang lien ket mot menh de tinh
                     tff vdi tff md nd bd nghla.
                     Ms.  Harris,  whose son is an athlete,  is used to having their home
                     filled with sporting equipment.
                     Ba Harris,  ngtfdi cd con Id van dong vien, quen  vdi vi$c trong nhu
                     luon day dung cu the thao.
                     Menh de quan he  “whose son is an athlete ” bd nghla cho danh tif
                     Ms. Harris.
                     The person of whom you spoke is my cousin.
                     Ngtfdi md ban dd noi chuygn la em ho cua tdi.
                     Menh de quan he  “o f whom you spoke” bd nghla cho danh l\lper­
                 4.  Menh de danh tff
                    Menh de danh tff la mot menh de phu thuoc co chffc nang nhir mpt
                    danh tff.
                    Tracey does whatever her parents ask her to do.
                     Tracey lam bdt cti viec gi bd me yeu cdu cd lam.
                    Menh de danh tff la  “whatever her parents ask her to do

                    The teacher did not accept my excuse that the dog ate my home­

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