Page 162 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 162

2.  What is the adjectival phrase in this sentence?
                             Put that box of heavy books on the counter, please.
                             (a) Of heavy books
                             (b) Put that box
                              (c) Please
                              (d) On the counter

                           3.  What is the adverbial phrase in this sentence?
                              The hang glider soared over the cool green lake.
                              (a) The hang glider
                              (b) Soared
                              (c) Over the cool green lake
                              (d) Cool green lake
                           4.  All the following are subordinating conjunctions except
                              (a) After
                              (b) Walks

                              (c) Because
                              (d) Unless
                           5.  Most  adjective  clauses  start  with  the  pronouns  who,
                              whom, why, whose, which, that,  when,  or
                              (a) Since
                              (b) Where
                              (c) Because
                              (d) However
                           6.  What is the prepositional phrase in the following sen­
                              The hotel on the beach is always crowded.
                              (a) The hotel

                              (b) Is always crowded
                              (c) On the beach
                              (d) The beach is
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