Page 35 - Tự Học Xửa Chữa Và Nâng Cấp Máy Vi Tính
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Tiếp đó chọn ngôn ngữ mặc định sau đó nhấn "OK" để
thoát ra.
rsítr-! ll.¥j
Deíauk rpui langudge
Seiect One oi Ihe m lated npul lengueges to ute Kvhen you ỉlett youí
ge tlse way numbets, detes.
Imlalled ỉervicei
' âdđ ỉippotl < 0( adđilionel
Setect ỉhe Services Ihel you want <01 eoch i'í»Jt languaoe ỉhciwn n Ibe
isl. Use the Add arid Remove buttons to mocMv this hsi.
(United Kngdorn). and the
23 b nglish lUniĩed Kingrlcmi)
1^ Keybodiđ
• Urnted Kngdom
^ E nghth (U nited S la le tl
ífc^i reyboíid iy đrf(eroni languages. Uỉing
keyboaid layout
• Detáls. Eelarls... Ị
Bây giờ bạn đã có tất cả sự thay đổi cần thiết, bạn nhấn
winilowsXPPrare9stonalSetup :
R egional and Langgage O p tioni
You can cusioíttte Wnd<»*rt XP fot diHerent legions and langjages
Regiorsal and Language OptiorK aloN you to change the May nunbets. dates.
cuiencies aryj Ihẽ tirrié aie disptayed Ỷou can also add Si 4:pcit <01 additional
languages. arid chai^ youi loc^ic<i satting
The Slarsdards and íoirnats setting ís sei to Englísh (United Kngdũrn). and the
localion « set lo United ỉiiates.
To change these setlings.ckk CuslorTÚze
ĩ exl InpU Languages alovv you lo enlei lexl n many cưteienl languages. usrg
a vaiieịy of inpũt rriélhods arid devicet.
Vom delault lexl Input language and method is United Kángdom keyboaid layoul
Tc VÌCM 01 chỏngeyout cuirentcontiguation. click Details. íìetails. Ị