Page 34 - Tự Học Xửa Chữa Và Nâng Cấp Máy Vi Tính
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Regcnd OpUons Ị Languageí Ị Advanced Ị 4r,ỉsi !'
Stand«dt and íamatt
Thit option aííeciỉ how ỉome progíann toítnal rumbett. cuiienciej.
dales. and lime
Selact an item to match ịls pteleienceí. Oí d c k Ccntorrue lo choose
you own foma(t
^ CuílorT^iĩi
harge the way mimbert. daleỉ.
I alỉõ add ĩupport loi adÁiond
Number 1123.458.769.00
gkỉh (Unted Siateil and the
Ciirrency: ftV23,458.7e9.00
Tr»e I92Ữ10PM Cuỉtoaúe..
Shortdale Ị6724/2003
1 many dểíetcnl languages. uting
us keyboatd iaycKi
T 0 Ket tenàcet ptovide you vv«h local míormabor.. such ai newỉ and clckOelaỉị [^eiaix... I
kveathet. teleci you pieỉẽrt kication
[uruled Slaiet
Bây giờ bạn nhấn vào Deltails.
Regional and Language Oplions
You can cusiomiM Wndowĩ XP lo( (Mlerenl tegions and languages.
Regional and Languaga Oplions alovv you lo chanoe the way numbets. date$.
cunenaet and the Iime are diĩplayed You can ako add ỉupport loi addilional
languaget. and chanọe you localion telting
The Standatdt ard lormatt seltingit setlo Englith (United States). and the
tocatnn lỉ tei to Unried State*.
Tochangethesesetiin0 $, clickCuỉiomỉe Qutiorvite...
T exl Inpul Languageỉ alovv you to entei lext in many tetent languages. using
a vatieiy ot inpũl mẽthods and devices
You detaiit text irput language and melhod ti: us keyboaid layoul
To viewor changeycxa curtenl con(igu>alan. ckck Delaỉs. Qetaílỉ...
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