Page 85 - Tiếng Anh Cho Học Sinh Trường Dạy Nghề
P. 85

          1. W here does Mary Katz want to go?
          2.  Is there only one way to get there?
          3.  How much does it cost by bus?
          4.  Is it cheaper to go by train or by bus?

          5. What is important to Mary?

          What Do You Think?
          1.  If you were  Mary,  what would you do?
          2. What is important to you when you go on vacation?

          Getting  Ready -  Chuẩn bị

          1.  Here are two ways to read schedules:
            Đây  là  h a i  cách  đ ể  đọc  lịc h   xe  chạy
            a. These two schedules read from left to right.

                  FERRY S C H E D U L E               BUS  SCHEDULE
                                               8th   !  Maul  I .akc  1‘inc
          L arkspur  San  F rancisco  L ark sp u r
                                               St     St     St-.   St.
            Lv*     Ar*  ;   Lv    Ar
                                               10:27  10:41   10:57   ■  1 1 1 2
            7:05    7:45   7:50   8:30
                                               11:17  1  1:31   1 1:4'   12:02
            8:35    9:15   9:20   10:15
                                               12:07  12:21  12:37  12:52
           9:05     9:50                       12:57  1:11  1:27   1:42
           10:15    11:00  1  1:05  11:50      1:47   2:01  2:17   2:32
           12:05   12:50   12:55  1:4«         2:31   2:51  3:07   3:22
           1:45     2:30   2 :4 5  3:30        3:27   3:41  3:57   4:12

          *Lv = departure time  Ar = arrival time

          **a o a.m.    p = p.m.
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90