Page 67 - Tiếng Anh Cho Học Sinh Trường Dạy Nghề
P. 67


             Read the instructions for the work-experience section of job appli­
          cation forms carefully.  Sometimes the form says,  Begin with first job.
          But  it  usually  says,  Begin  with  present  or  last job.  That’s  because
          your present or last job usually requires more skills.


          1. W hat do employers want information about?
          2.  Should you write all your duties an application form? Why?
          3.  Should you write all tools or equipment?
          4. Why is it important to read the instructions an job application forms?
          5. Why do forms usually ask for present or last job first?

          W hat Do You Think?

          1. Tom  is a laundry worker.  He sorts clothes.  Sometimes he  mends
          clothes too.  Should  he write  mend clothes an application form?
          2.  Robert is a carpenter.  He  uses a power saw.  He  also uses tools
          like hammers and screwdrivers.  Should he write them all an applica­
          tion form?
          3.  On  Lisa’s  last job  she  used  a slicer.  She didn't like  it.  Should  she
          write it an her application form?
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