Page 65 - Tiếng Anh Cho Học Sinh Trường Dạy Nghề
P. 65
9. On her last job she installed and repaired lights. She was a(n)
10. She makes ninety cents an hour. Her pay is __________________ .
Check Your Grammar - Kiểm tra ngữ pháp
First read the sentences and then write one word in each blank.
Đọc câu thứ n h ấ t và sau đó viết m ột từ vào trong m ỗi chỗ
trố n g
A. 1.1 worked for a restaurant____ ___ 1967________1971.
2 . 1 was a bartender________ one year.
3. I was a w a ite r________ three years.
4 . 1 have several years experience________a mail clerk.
5 .1 w orked________ a department store________ a sales clerk.
6 .1 used equipm ent_________ tractors anal fork lifts.
7. He was a painter_______________ December 1972__April 1975.
8. I used to w o rk________ a school.
B. 1. [salesclerk/1976-1978] [receptionist/1978-1980]
________________ she was a receptionist, she was a sales clerk.
2. [counted supplies/1968-1974] [recorded sales/1974-1979]
he counted supplies, he recorded sales.
3. [tended bar/1 979-present] [waited tables/1974-1979]
________________ he waited tables, he tended bar.
4. He quit the j o b ____________ the pay was low.
5. He is looking for another jo b ________________ he wants a job
with better opportunities.