Page 41 - Tiếng Anh Cho Học Sinh Trường Dạy Nghề
P. 41
1. W hy do employers want the complete name and address of com
panies and supervisors?
2. Is restaurant the narre of a company?
3. For a complete address, what four things do you need?
4. Is Mr. White a complete -narre?
5. Do you have to put your supervisor’s first name?
W hat Do You Think?
1. Elena Gonzalez worked in a restaurant in Mexico. She is applying
for a job in Dallas now. Should she put the narre of the restaurant
an her application form?
2. Soon Park quit his last job because he didn't like the supervisor.
Should he put the name of the supervisor an his application form?
Getting Ready - Chuẩn bị
1. Application forms usually ask the reason for leaving a job. When
you leave for a personal reason, write the general category. Don’t
write specific reasons. Most personal reasons are in one of three
general categories: (a) family illness (b) injury (c) family responsi
1. Các m ẫu dơn x in việc thường hỏi lý do về việc th ô i việc,
k h i bạn nêu ra lý do cá nhăn, hãy vièt m ột cách chung
chung. Đ ừng viết ra các lý do chi tiêt. H ầu hết các lý do cá
nhăn là m ột trong ba danh m ục sau: (a) g ia đ ình có người
bị đau (b) b ị thương (c) có trách nhiệm g ia đình.