Page 40 - Tiếng Anh Cho Học Sinh Trường Dạy Nghề
P. 40

38             _______ _________________

                              4. Why did  Pam leave her job?

                              5. Why did Rita leave her job?

                              6. Why did Jan leave her job?

               Read a story - Đọc một câu chuyện

               Read the story and then answer the questions.
               Đọc  một câu  chuyện  sau  đó  trả  lời các  câu hỏi

                  Companies want information about the former employers of job
               applicants. They want information  about both the company and the
               supervisor because they want to check the information applicants give
               them. When you give this information, write complete names and ad­
               dresses.  For  Name  of Company,  don't just  put  restaurant.  Put  the
               name  of the  restaurant too  (for example,  Far  East Restaurant).  For
               Address  of  Company,  don’t  just  put  the  name  of  the  city.  Put  the
               address, state,  and zip code too.  For Name of Supervisor, don’t just
               put  Mr.  White.  Put his first name or his initials too  (for example,  Mr.
               Joseph  White or Mr.  J.  L.  White).
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