Page 13 - Tiếng Anh Cho Học Sinh Trường Dạy Nghề
P. 13



           A.  Finish the  sentences with “too" or “either.”
           A .  H oàn  tấ t  những  câu  VỚI  từ   “too”  và  “e ith e r”

               1.   I'm not working, and he isn’t w orking________ ___________.

               2.   He was a sales clerk, and she was a sales cle rk__________

               3.  I worked for ten years, and he worked for ten y e a rs _______

               4.  She doesn’t have a job now, and  he doesn’t have a job  now

               5.  J a m e s  d id n ’t w o rk last m onth,  and  Ira d id n ’t w ork last m onth

               6.  I'm looking for a job,  and my brother is looking for a jo b ____

           B.  Write a question and then write the answer.  Follow the model
           B.  V iết  nhữ ng  cảu  hổi  sau  đó  viết  câu  trả   lời  theo  m ẫu:

                                   ■ \        o tíc u v   lữ  tu  ị .  m  a i  Q  ín d L ỷ

                                              ịpsi íix. mcmtlí
              [Cindy Jansen]
                [six months]
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