Page 74 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 74

6.  His reputation has been greatly______by the success of his new book.
               A. expanded       B. enlarged        c. enhanced       D. heightened

          7.  Lord of the Rings was íĩlmod o n ______in Now Zealand.
               A. place          B.  spot          c.  region          D. location
          8.  Ms Original had little in ______with other authors of her generation.
               A. everyday       B.  common        c.  normal          D. ordinary
          9.  That author has written a íĩctional______of his wartime experiences.
               A. story          B.  novel         c.  account         D. tale

          10.  The printing of the book has been held up hy the paper______ .
               A. deílcit        B.  shortage      c.  scarce          D. lack

          11.  The essajdst, John Cardinal Newman,  was one of the most distinguished
              men o f______ of his time.
               A .letters        B. books           c. publications   D. writings

          12.  In your criticism  of this work,  I  think you have  do ne  less th a n ___  to
              the originality of his style.
               A. appreciation    B. approval       c. justice        D. praise

          13.  Because  Shakespeare  mainly wrote  plays,  he  is  usually regarded  as  a(n)

               A. dramatist       B. author         c. novelist       D. writer

          14.  One can become a member of this club only on pa3ãng th e _____fee.
               A. enrolled       B. legitimate      c. regulated      D. requisite

          15.  The organization is mainly staffed h y ______ workers.
               A. free           B. voluntary       c. unsolicited    D. willing

          16.  He made a very______ excuse for not attending the meeting.
               A. faint          B. íragile         c. feeble         D. frail
          17.  He has a wide circle of Iriends and so leads a fairly______ social life.
               A. fast           B. hectic          c. íurious        D. speedy
          18.  I’d like t o ______ a warm welcome to our visitors from abroad.
               A. extend          B. prolong        c. search out     D. stretch

          19.  Please accept my _____ for not coming to the meeting last week.
               A. pardon          B. excuses        c. íorgiveness    D. apologies

          20.  We’ve lived here for fíve years but I still miss m y _____ town.
               A. home            B. original       c. native         D. birth

          21.  If you wait a moment, there’ll be another__      of loaves, fresh from the
               A. collection      B. bunch          c. bundle         D. batch

                                          Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Oitốc gia môn  Tiếng Anh  75
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