Page 71 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 71

12.  T h e______ music for the film has been taken from the works of Chopin.
             A. supplement2iry                   B. intervening
             c. passing                          D. incidental
        13.  They all sat in the fourth__    of the cinema.
             A. bench          B. row             c.rank            D. line

        14.  There  is  an  interesting___   nowadays  to  make  íĩlms  portraying love
            between youngsters.
             A. trend           B. surge          c. tradition      D. direction
        15.  “Please, put your empty cigỄirette packets in the     _ bins provided.”
             A. deposit        B. junk            c. litter         D. scrap

        16.  The latest video  ____ contains details of over one thousand íĩlms.
             A. brochure       B. prospectus      c. leaAet         D. catalogue

        17.  The íìlm started with the heroine’s death so most of it was shot in ____.
             A. backtrack      B. reverse         c. Aashback       D.  switchback
        18.  That picture did not come out because you put your finger in front of the
                   while you were taking it.
             A. button         B. lens            c. shutter        D. viewfínder

        19.  I used an especially______ film to take this photo.
             A. sensitive      B. sensible        c. sensual        D. sensuous
        20.  Shall we dance? They are playing our favourite
             A. aria           B. tune            c. music          D. line
        21.  Pop stars have to get used to people trying to get th eir______ .
             A. autographs     B. names           c. signatures     D.  sings

        22.  The light gradually   ___and shapes and colours grew fainter.
             A. died           B. disappeared  c. faded             D. melted

        23.  dournalists are under a lot of pressure to meet _     everyday.
             A. limits         B. times           c. barriers       D. deadlines
        24.  What  is  usually  called  “magic”  is  really  a  trick.  The  quickness  of  the
            hand______ the eye.
             A. belies         B. deceives        c. disguises      D. mistakes
        25.  The children gazed at the m agician___ _____as he performed his tricks.
             A. eagle-eyed     B. hawk-eyed       c. open-eyed      D. wide-eyed


        1.  Pm now going to play a piece______“The Fall”.
             A. denominated  B. labelled          c. entitled       D. nicknamed

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