Page 56 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 56
11. They a description of the robber on Crime Time and it sounded
like you!
A. made B told c. gave D. saỉd
12. I’v e _____ it in at the mains but it still doesn’t seem to work.
A. worked B. plugged c. narrowed D. turned
13. It’s not always easy t o __ the diíĩerence between fact and opinion.
A. make B. do c. say D. tell
14. The debate will ____place tonight.
A. be B. have c. take Đ. make
15. In m y ______ , íreedom of the press must be maintained.
A. mind B. thought c. sight D. view
16. Media mogul Ronald Morduck h a s______control of another tabloid.
A. made B. taken c. given D. found
17. J. K. Rowling h a s______ an enormous inAuence on children’s literature.
A. had B. given c. done D. set
18. I could spend hours___ the Internet!
A. swimming B. diving c. sailing D. surlĩng
19. They said _ the news that the price of petrol is going up again.
A. from B. on B. in D. at
20. They were __ out free tickets to the concert to everyone in the
shopping centre.
A. handing B. holding c. carr5ãng D. bringing
21. We had the volume turned down, so I couldn’t m a k e_____ what they
were talking about
A. up B. in c. out D. off
22. I saw the interview while I was ___ through a magazine at the
A. ílicking B. clicking c. picking D. ticking
23. Why did you have to bring that subject____ at dinner?
A. off B. out c. over D. up
24. People can become v ery _____ when they are stuck in tralílc for a long
A. nervous B. stressful c. bad-tempered D. pressed
25. The tabloids completely _____ that story about Bruce Willis. It’s not
true at all!
A. made up B. íĩlled in c. stood out D. turned over
Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Ouốc ffia môn TiếiìỊi Anh - 57