Page 52 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 52
1. A feeling of tiredness almost the soldier on duty and he had to
struggle hard to keep awake.
A. conquered B. defeated c. overcame D. put out
2. I was iníormed by the police constable that he would be forced to take
me in to ______ .
A. custody B. confinement c. detection D. g^ardianship
3. You are surely not suggesting that th ese__ young children could have
planned such an evil deed.
A. lovely B. innocent c. natural D. pure
4. Sergeant Proud can hardly having to accept orders from the
colonel who is much younger than himself.
A. resist B. mind c. bear D. suíĩer
5. Your shoes are a(n )______ ! You haven’t cleaned them for weeks.
A. accident B. disgrace c. blow D. shock
6. Her shoes were so old that her _ were sticking out of them.
A. fingers B. thumbs c. toes D. tips
7. If I could___these shoes a little, they would be much more comfortable.
A. expand B. stretch c. increase D. grow
8. The washing is not qui te dry, it needs______.
A. airing B. heating c. rinsing D. warming
9. Unless you pack your trousers more careíully, they will g e t______.
A. folded B. creased c. spoilt D. wrinkled
10. I gave Mary a black silk scarf with pink______ .
A. balls B. marks c. stains D. spots
11. You should iron out th e _____ in that dress.
A. creases B. crumples c. folds D. wrinkles
12. When it is very hot, you m ay______the top button of your shirt.
A. undress B. undo c. untie D. unwrap
13. His jeans were so tight, th ey ______when he sat down.
A. broke c. cracked c. split D. snapped
14. My wife has excellence______in clothes.
A. taste B. Aavour c. gusto D. choice
15. Why don’t you wear a(n )______ when you do the washing-up?
A. towel B. cloth c. duster D. apron
Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Otiốc Ịỉia món TiénỉỉAnh 53