Page 138 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 138


             Read the texts belovv and think o f the vvord vvhich best fits each space.


             An  18-year-old returned to  a hero’s welcome  in Australia yesterday after
          becoming  the  youngest  person  (1)  ______  sail  round  the  world  non-stop.
          David Dawson  sailed into Preemantle, Western Australia,  anxious to enjoy a
          cold beer  (2 )______ warm shower for the ílrst time in nine months.  “I  could
          do it another four tim es,” he joked as he stepped ashore to (3 )______ greeted
          by  his  family  in  front  (4)  ______  15,000  spectators  crowding  the  quayside.
          His  14-metre  boat,  Sea  ílight,  had  to  be  towed  into  the  port  (5)  ______  of
          strong winds and obstruction from the 300 boats that  (6)          gathered to
          escort  him  in.  Sailing  club  oữĩcials  said  that  he  passed  (7)  ___  __hnishing
          line ííve kilometres out to sea late on Priday.
             Mr  Dawson  had  covered  (8)  ______than  50,000  kilometres  since  leaving
          Preemantle,  but  it  was  anything but  (9)      easy trip.  His  radio  ílooded,
          his boat lost her mast and the generator broke down,  threatening to end the
          voyage  prematurely.  (1 0 )______ one point,  he  (1 1 )_______forced to  accept a
          bolt from the British Royal Navy to repair his damaged mast and (1 2 )______
          a result he could not claim to (13)______made the journey “unassisted”.
             (1 4 )______ his 264 days at sea, the teenager became the youngest person
          to sail single-handedly around Cape Horn,  (1 5 )______he did in winter, with
          a  damaged  sail.  He  said  he  had  missed  his  girlíriend,  real  food,  beer  and

          2.                         THE VIOLIN MAKER

             A physicist-turned-violin-maker believes that he has found a way to make
          new violins sound (1 )______ old ones. Alan Beavitt puts his violins through a
          repeated  cycle  of  damp  and  dry  conditions,  re-creating  in  (2)  ______  few
          months  the  natural  changes  that  he  believes  are  responsible  (3)  ______
          making older violins sound better.  Why older violins sound better  (4 )______
          long been a mystery. The best ones of all, made (5 )______ Antonio Stradivari
          in  Cremona,  Italy,  300  years  ago,  have  a  tone  that  other  makers  have  tried
          but failed to match.
             Mr Beavitt  argues that the changes in the  sound of a violin over time  (6)
          ______the result of slow changes in the wood.  The process leads  (7 )_______a
          gradual  stiffening  of  the  wood,  which  improves  the  plaỊÕng  quality  and
          depends  on  regular  changes  in  humidity.  He  reproduces  the  effect  in  two
          ways.  He  (8)  ______ puts  his  violins  in  a  sealed  Container  and  Controls  the
          humidity  with  saturated  salt  Solutions  or  he  pumps  air  of  controlled
          humidity through  rubber pipes into  the interior  of the  violin.  The weight of

                                         Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Ouổc gia ỉìión  Tiếng Anh  139
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