Page 12 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 12

16.  When the detectives finally trapped him, he had t o ______ to lying.
            A. recourse       B. resource        c. resort         D. retort

       17.  He was very thrilled when he heard he h ad ______ the exam.
            A. passed         B. approved        c. failed         D. won

       18.  I  wish  he’d  let  us  make  some  of  the  decisions  instead  of  completely
           taking______ all our meetings.
            A. in              B. over           c. off             D. up

       19. ______ my opinion,  students shouldn’t have to repeat the year if they fail
           their exams.
            A.  In             B. At             c. On              D. From

       20.  Prof. Rush was speaking so quickly I couldn’t __      what he said.
            A. accept         B.  listen         c. catch           D. take

       21.  Jane said she could n o t______ the information given in the lecture.
            A. accumulate     B. absorb          c. admire         D. listen

       22.  Mr  Wellbred  went  to  a  school  which  ______  good  manners  and  self-
            A. blossomed      B. planted         c. harvested      D. cultivated

       23.  The  smell  of  the  burnt  cabbage  was  so  ______   that  it  spread  to  every
            A. pervasive      B. eíĩusive        c. extensive      D. diíĩuse

       24.  Suddenly I understood períectly and everything fe ll______ place.
            A. down           B.  for            c. into           D. out

       25.  Mr Horrid was a terrible teacher and obviously n o t______ for teaching.
            A. cut in         B.  cut on         c. cut up         D. cut out


        1.  Most of the        were unimpressed by his latest fílm.
             A. reviews        B. criticising    c. critics         D. comments
        2.  It was so embarrassing when Romeo forgot his       ___ in the second act.
             A. paper          B. lines          c. part            D. script

        3.  I hope the fílm has a happy______.
             A. finish        B. end             c. finale         D. ending

        4.  It’s surprising the pertormance went so well after only th ree_______ .
             A. rehearsals    B. auditions       c. applauses      D. directions

        5.  High risk sports have really taken
             A. up             B. ofĩ             c. in             D. on
                                        Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Oiiốc gia tuôn  TiếnỊi Anh   13
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