Page 10 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 10

13.  A  child’s  íìrst  five  years  are  the  most  important  as  far  as  learning  is

              A. concerned       B. affected       c. hit            D. touched

         14.  I  don’t  think  they’ll  be  taking  ____  any  more  teachers  this  term
             because there aren’t many students.
              A. up              B. in             c. on             D. over

         15.  Could you speak  _____a bit? We can’t hear you at the back of the room.
              A. out             B. loud           c. over           D. up

         16.  Tm  going to  take  a  couple  of d a y s___  next  month  to  help  my  sister
             move house.
              A. over            B. off            c. out            D. up

         17.  The police______off the Street where the bomb had gone oíĩ.
              A. cordoned        B. battened       c. fastened       D. shuttered

         18.  We all make mistakes; no-one is
              A. fallible       B. iníallible      c. mistaken       D. unmistaikable
         19.  Everyone laughed when he took       __ the teacher so well.
              A. over           B. up              c. off            D. out
         20.  He offered me $500 to break my contract.  That’s ______ .
              A. bribery        B. blackmail      c. compensation  D. reward

         21.  It was such a shock to receive a letter like th a t______ .
              A. in the red                       B. out of the blue
              c. in the pink                      D. over the moon
         22.  The hooligan______ the money out of my hand and ran away.
              A.  snatched      B. gripped        c. clutched        D. withdrew

         23.  As he was caught in    ___ of a gun, he was immediately a suspect.
              A. control         B. possession     c. ownership      D. handling

         24.  He is doing a Science______at the University of Edinburgh.
              A. career         B. certiBcate     c. title           D. degree
         25.  The teacher told us to learn the irregular verbs______ heart.
              A. to             B. at             c. by              D. in

         1.  The conductor______ the boys off for misbehaving on the bus.
              A. told            B. said           c. shouted        D. cried
         2.  The íírst thing he did was to _     his shoelaces and take his shoes oíĩ.
              A. disconnect      B. mislead        c. undo           D. unpack

                                         Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia tuôn  Tiéng Anh  11
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