Page 116 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 116

improved vvithout the  need for physical activity.  No longer do we have to  (3)
      ______for long swims or have  (4 )_______workouts in the gym.  It may seem
      (5 )______ , but he says we can  (6 )_______up our muscles simply by thinking
      about exercise.
          In  Dr  Yue’s  research,  volunteers  imagined  they  were  moving their  little
      fingers  sideways,  and  found  that  the  power  of  (7)  ______   was  enough  to
      increase  strength  in  those  íĩnger  muscles.  Then  he  asked  volunteers  to  (8))
      ______  to  themselves  that  they  were  moving  their  arm  muscles  in  five
      training sessions  a week.  Remarkably,  these  volunteers  experienced  a rapid
      increeise in the strength of their arms.
          But  sports  psychologists  say  that,  while  this  research  is  (9)  ______   ,
      muscle  strength is  only one  aspect  of exercise,  and we shouldn’t  (1 0 )______
      aerobic  activity.  We  still  need  to  (11)  ______  after  our  hearts,  by  taking
      exercise that (1 2 )______ our heart rate to  70 per cent of its maximum for 20
      minutes,  three  times  a week.  It would  be  (1 3 )____  if people  thought  that
      exercise was  (1 4 )______ ,  and that they could  (15)  ____ ílt while  slumped
      on a sofa just thinking about exercise.

       1.  A. fascination     B. appeal           c. attraction      D .interest
      2.   A. main            B. extraordinary    c. individual      D. dear
      3.   A. go              B .take             c. stand           D. get
      4.   A. íírm            B. forceful         c. strong          D. hard
      5.   A. insincere       B. doubtlul         c. improbable      D. unsure
      6.   A. develop         B. grow             c. spread          D. build
       7.  A. idea            B. mind             c. thought         D. brains
      8    A. pretend         B. persuade         c. expect          D. convince
      9.   A. Principal       B. chief            c. significant     D. leading
       10.  A. throw away     B. cut out          c. look over       D. switch off
       11.  A. look           B.take              c. care            D. run
       12.  A. jumps          B. climbs           c. raises          D. leaps
       13.  A. worrying       B. anxious          c. concerned       D. panicking
       14.  A. helpless       B. incapable        c. minor           D. useless
       15.  A. make           B. have             c. keep            D. put

      21.                        SPOILT FOR CHOICE
          Some  research  which  was  recently  carried  out  in  Britain  has  coníirmed
      what many ordinary shoppers have suspected for quite a long time.  Having a
       (1 )______ selection of goods to choose from is not necessarily a (2 )_______to
      consumers.  The average supermarket in Britain has around 40,000 ditĩerent
      Products  on  sale  at  any  one  tim e  and  if you’re  (3)  ______   of bu3Õng  a  car,
      then there are actually around  1,600 diíTerent (4 )______ on the market.
          In  one  sense,  choice  is  a good thing because it  (5 )______ us to buy those
      Products which best suit our needs.  But choice can also  (6 )______ something

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