Page 100 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 100

television has created  (4)       curiosity,  puzzlement,  and anger  (5)
    the people we know,  and I suspect even more of these  (6 )______ behind our
    backs.  ‘If the Wetherells get (7 )______ without a TV, why can’t we?’
       We  did  have  a  television  during  the  íĩrst  days  of  our  marriage.  I
    remember  the  dizzy  way  the  (8)  ______  tlickered  across  the  screen.  A  few
    days  later,  after  I  (9)    my  senses,  we  took  the  set  to  our  ỉocal  dump,
    ( 10) ___   hands in satisfaction and have been without one ever (11)

       Now  that  my  TV  watching  days  are  (12)        me,  I  can  aíĩord  to  be
    nostalgic towards it all. I remember those nights when the whole family used
    to sit in the living room watching Ed Sullivan, one (13)______ light left on in
    the  corner,  laughing  (1 4 )___  the  comedians beíore  the  (15)       came
    on.  Nevertheless,  even  warmer  and  more  precious  in  memory  will  be  these
    quiet, peaceful years with no TV at all.

    1.   A. households        B. housewives      c. holdalls      D. houseworks
    2.   A. at                B. for             c. of            D. in

    3.   A. shortage          B.lack             c. need          D. absence
    4.   A. large             B. big             c. high          D. great
    5.   A. within            B. between         c. among         D. inside
    6.   A. beliefs           B. emotions        c. opinions      D. thoughts
    7.   A. over              B. on              c .b y           D. away
    8.   A. images            B. drawings        c. icons         D. movies
    9.   A. re-established    B.recovered        c. overcame      D. got
    10. A. waved              B. tightened       c. moved         D.shook
    11. A.  since             B. again           c. afterwards    D. before
    12. A. past               B. behind          c. over          D. away
    13.  A.  smooth           B. peaceful        c. tender        D. soft
    14.  A. at                B. for             c. with          D .by
    15.  A. announcements B. publications        c. commercials   D. clips

    3.                            A TYPICAL DAY
       Nowadays,  country kitchens are  not very different from those in the city.
    (1)          ,  in  the  past  the  differences  could  easily  be  (2)  ______   .  By  the
    1940s  most  city  homes  had  gas  or  electric  cookers  (3)  ______   but  in  the
    country  the  farmer’s  wife  still  (4)  ______  on  a  fuel  cooker.  This  gave  her
    more work because  she  had  to  (5 )______at five  o’clock in  the  morning and
    enter the kitchen with a candle which was always kept  (6 )______ .  She then
    removed  the  ashes  from  the  cooker  and  got  some  newspaper  and  pieces  of
    wood from the box (7 )______ the side of the kitchen door.
       Next,  the kettle was íĩlled and put over the fire in  (8 )______ to make the
    íírst  pot  of tea  of the  day.  Once  this  was  (9 )______ she  made  sure  she  (10)
    ______fed  the  anim2ils  (11)

                                   Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc fỉia môn TiéiiịỊ Anh  101
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