Page 59 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 59

9.  Only three Presidents (have graduated, graduate) from
                      the  military  academies:  Grant  and  Eisenhower  from
                      West Point, and Carter from Annapolis.
                   10. The U.S. Constitution stipulates that, to be eligible for
                      the Presidency, a candidate must be a natural-born citi­
                      zen, must (have lived, live) in the United States for a
                      minimum  of  14  years,  and must be  at  least 35  years
                   11. Franklin D.  Roosevelt was the first U.S.  president to
                      have a presidential aircraft, but he only (flewed, flew)
                      on the airplane once, to travel to the Yalta conference
                      during World War II.
                   12.  Of all U.S.  presidents,  none  (live,  lived)  to be  older
                      than John Adams, who died at the age of 91.
                   13. John Quincy Adams (taked, took) his last skinny-dip in
                      the Potomac on his seventyninth birthday.
                    14. All U.S. presidents (have worn, weared, have weared)
                      glasses, but some of these men didn’t like to be seen
                      wearing eyeglasses in public.
                   15. When Harry Truman left office in  1952, he (get, got)
                      in his own car and (drived, drove) himself back to Mis­

                   Cau  I d i  k t i c  H g l u m

                   Chon cau tra Idi dung nhat cho moi cau hoi.
                   1. There are four basic types of verbs:
                      (a)  Action  verbs,  linking  verbs,  helping  verbs,  verb
                      (b) Helping verbs, action verbs, gerunds, participles
                      (c) Helping  verbs, verb phrases, active verbs, passive
                      (d) Action verbs, normal verbs, regular verbs, irregular

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