Page 58 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 58

7.  Lay nghla la  “dat xuong.” Dong tdf lay chia thinht
                              laid, laid.
                           8.  Dilng  hai  dang  dong  tir qud  khff de  the  hien stfvi
                              dien ra hien tai.
                           9.  Dung  sau  dang  qud  khff (qud  khff ddn,  hien tai ho
                               thanh, qud khff hoan th&nh, qua khff tiep dien, hi§n
                              hoan thanh tiep dien, qu£ khff ho&n thanh tiep dien)
                              dien ta sff vipc dien ra trffdc hien tai.
                            10. Dung bon dang tffdng lai (tffdng lai ddn, ttfdng lai ha
                               th&nh,  ttfdng  lai  tiep  dien,  ttfdng  lai  ho&n  thinh tii
                               dien) de dien ta stf vipc dien ra trong ttfdng lai.

                           CIUl k^i cUutg   iluUck cau

                           Chon tff dung trong ngodc de hoan tat cac cau sau.

                            1.  Croatia (is, was) the first country to recognize the Unii
                               States in  1776.
                            2.  Ross Perot (resign, resigned, resigning) from the GtJ
                               eral Motors board of directors because of its decisia
                               to purchase Hughes Aircraft Company.
                            3.  John Wilkes Booth (shotted, shot, shooted) Lincoln
                               a theater and was found in a warehouse.
                           4.  Theodore Roosevelt (won, winned, wonned) the Nob
                               Prize for his arbitration of treaty discussions at the ei
                               of the Russo-Japanese War.
                            5.  The  Dominican  Republic  was  called  Santo  Domim
                               when it first (gained, gain) independence.

                            6.  The  national anthem of the  Netherlands  is the olde
                               national anthem in the world: The music (appeart, a
                               peared) in  1572, the lyrics in  1590.
                            7.  James Garfield could (wrote, write) Latin with one ha
                               and Greek with the other— simultaneously.
                            8.  Before Bill Clinton, no left-handed American presid<
                               had ever (serve, served) two terms.

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