Page 245 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 245
Grandmother Pirandello came from Italy in the 1950s.
Ba Pirandello den tit nude Y vdo thap nien 1950.
Grandfather, will you take us to the zoo?
Ong ai, ong ddn bon chdu den vudn thu chu:?
4. Viet hoa chtfc danh cua cha me va ngtfdi than khi trtfdc ttf do khong
cd ttf sd hffu (vi du nhtf my).
We saw Mother kissing Santa Claus.
Chung tdi thay Me hdn Ong gid Noel.
I saw my mother kissing my father.
Tdi thay me hdn bo' tdi.
5. Viet hoa chff viet tit dtfng sau ten ngtfdi.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Laurie Rozakis, Ph.D.
Grace Lui, M.D.
6. Viet hoa nhtfng ttf chinh trong ttfa sach, kich, phim, bao va tap chi.
Dtfng viet hoa mao ttf: a, an, the.
Khong viet hoa gidi ttf: at, by, for, of, in ,up, on, so, to, v.v
Khong viet hoa lien tff: and, as, but, if, or, nor
Trong thtfc te, bat ctf ttf nao cd nhieu hdn bon chff cai deu phai viet
• Viet hoa ttfa sach
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Schaum’s Quick Guide to Writing Great Research Papers
• Viet hoa ttfa kich.
She Stoops to Conquer
• Viet hoa ttfa phim.
The Great Escape
From Here to Eternity