Page 237 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 237
(d) The homeless living are left to cope with fire loot
ing pestilence fear, and the burden of rebuilding what
the planet so easily shrugs away.
10. Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
(a) Given by the people of France to the people of the
United States as a symbol of a shared love of freedom
and everlasting friendship, the Statue of Liberty is the
largest freestanding sculpture ever created.
(b) It weighs 450000 pounds and rises 1,51 feet above
its pedestal.
(c) More than 100 feet, around, Ms. Liberty boasts eyes
two and a half feet wide.
(d) Her upraised right arm; extends forty two feet.
Bdi tap K&Uj cm
Ddnh dau cau cho cac doan van sau:
1. Long-time Boston resident’s still talk about the molas
ses flood that engulfed the citys’ north end, on January
15 1919 Many people were sitting near the Purity, Dis
tilling Corporations fifty foot high molasses tank en
joying the unseasonably warm day. The tank was filled
with over two million gallons of molasses and it was
about to burst apart. First molasses oozed through, the
tanks rivets then the metal bolts popped out the seams
burst and tons of molasses’ burst out in a surge of deadly
goo. The first wave over twenty five feet high smashed:
building’s trees people and animals like toys. Sharp
pieces of the tank sliced through the air injuring scores
of people. After the initial destruction molasses, con
tinued to clog the street’s for days. Many survivors had
to have their clothing cut off dried molasses turned cloth
ing into cement. People, were stuck to sidewalks and
benches molasses glued telephone receiver’s to ears
and hands. The disaster left over 20 people dead and,
more than 50 hurt.