Page 236 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 236
6. What mark of punctuation is used to show a break ia
(a) Dash
(b) Slash
(c) Hyphen
(d) Colon
7. Use quotation marks to set off the titles of all the fol
lowing literary works except
(a) Novels
(b) Poems
(c) Songs
(d) Short stories
8. Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
(a) Tsunamis or seismic sea waves, are gravity waves
set in motion by underwater disturbances associated
with earthquakes.
(b) Near its origin, the first wave of a tsunami may be
the largest; at greater distances, the largest is normally
between the second and seventh wave.
(c) Tsunamis consist of a decaying train of waves and,
may be detectable on tide gauges, for as long as a week.
(d) These waves are frequently called tidal waves al
though, they have nothing to do with the tides.
9. Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
(a) Most natural hazards; can be detected before their
threat matures.
(b) But seisms have no known precursors, so they come
without warning.
(c) For this reason they continue to kill in some areas at
a level usually reserved for wars and epidemics—the
11,000 dead in northeastern Iran died on August 31 1968
not in the ancient past.