Page 22 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 22

15. Trong cau "Luis dropped his hat", dong tif dropped 1
                               (ngoai dong tif, noi dong tif).
                            16. Trong cau "Nita awoke early," dong lif awoke la (ngos
                               dong tif, noi dong tir).
                            17.  De  xac  dinh  dong  tif c6  phai  la  ngoai  dong  tir ha
                               khong,  hay  tif hoi  ("Who?7”What?",  "How  many?’
                               sau dong tif.
                            18.  (Trd dong tif, Dong tif lien ket) ket ndi chu  ngff vil \
                               ngff va khong dien ta hanh dong.
                            19. Trd dong tff dffdc them vao mot dong iff khac de lar
                               ro nghla va co the bao gom moi dang cua (to be, to see
                            20.  Trong  cau  "I  traded  my  sandwich  for  three  oatmea
                               cookies," tff oatmeal la mot (danh tff, tinh tff).

                            C a u  Im U  bvk. n * jlum

                            Xac dinh tif loai cua nhffng tff dUdc gach dirdi trong cau.
                            1. The outside of the boat needs scraping.
                             ^X'd) Noun
                               (b) Adjective

                               (c) Adverb
                               (d) Preposition
                            2.  You should scrape the boat without outside help.
                               (a) Noun
                             A (b) Adjective
                               (c) Adverb

                               (d) Preposition
                            3.  Let’s  sit  outside  and  laugh  at  you  as  you  work  in  the
                              blazing sun.

                               (a) Noun
                               (b) Adjective
                              Xc) Adverb
                               (d) Preposition
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