Page 192 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 192

Fowler a professor of anthropology at the University of
                                  Nevada, Reno described the taste of Pandora moth cat­
                                  erpillars as “very good like scrambled egg omelet with
                                  mushrooms.” Tom Turpin a professor of Entomology
                                  at Purdue  University  enjoys  “chocolate  chirpy cook­
                                  ies” chocolate chip cookies with roasted crickets. Gene
                                  DeFoliart  likes  greater  wax  moth  larvae,  tastes  like
                                  bacon when deep fried.

                              f)dp da

                    Cau  hoi  dung -  sai

                    l.T          2. F           3. T           4. F            5. T
                    6. T         7. F           8. F           9. F            10. T
                    11. T        12. T          13. F           14. F          15. T
                    16. F        17. T          18. F          19. T           20. T

                    Cau  hoi  dang  hoan  thanh  cau

                    1.1. chinh yeu                      2. cau gh6p b&ng dau phay

                    3. cau dinh lien                    4. doc lap
                    5. phu thuoc                        6. dau cham phay
                    7. nonetheless                      8. menh de phu thuoc
                    9. menh de chinh                    10. doc lap
                    11. co the                          12. van phong ca nhan
                    13. ddn gian hdn                    14. co dpng
                    15. loai bo khoi

                    Cau  h oi  trac  nghieni

                    1. b         2. c           3. c           4. d            5. b
                    6. b         7. a           8. c           9. d            10. a
                    11. b        12. c          13. c           14. a          15. d
                    16. d
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