Page 16 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 16

4.  Dai  tir nhan  manh  (intensive pronoun) cung  tan  cung  b&ng  -5d
                    hoilc -selves nhUng chi nhan manh them cho danh tir hoic dai tij
                    Tricia herself picked out the car.
                    Tu Tricia chon chiec xe.
                 5.  Dai  tir chi dinh  (demonstrative pronoun)  htfdng  sir chu  <j  tdi  mcj
                    ngtfdi, ndi chon hay mot vat cu the. Chi co bon dai tir chi djnh la|
                    this, that, these, those.
                    This is my favorite movie.
                    Day la bo phim Ua thich cua toi.
                    That was a fierce rain storm.
                    Do la mot cctn mUa bdo ditdoi.
                 6. Dai tuf quan he (relative pronoun) dtfng dau mot menh de phu. C<j
                    nam dai tuf quan he la:  that,  which,  who,  whom,  whose.
                    Jasper claimed that he could run the washing machine.
                    Jasper cho rang anh co the van hdnh cai may giat.
                    Louise was the repair person who fixed the machine after Jasper
                    washed his sneakers.
                    Louise Id ngudi su:a cai may sau khi Jasper giat giay cua minh.

                 Soft                 So" nhieu             So it hoac so" nhilu

                 another              both                  all
                 anyone               few                   any
                 each                 many                  more
                 everyone             others                most
                 everybody            several               none
                 everything                                 some


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