Page 13 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 13

D anh  tiif so  nhieu

                 Day la nhffng nguyen L&c thanh lap danh tff sd nhieu.

                 1. Them s de tao th&nh danh tff sd nhieu doi vdi da so" danh tff.
                   cat       —>     cats      computer     -»      computers
                 2. Them es neu danh tff tan ciing bkng s, sh, ch ho&c x.
                   wish      —>      wishes
                   inch      -»     inches
                   box       -»     boxes
                 3. Neu danh tff tan cilng la phu am -y, thi doi y thanh i va them es.

                   city      ->     cities
                   lady      ->      ladies
                4. Neu danh tff tan cung blng -y  thi chi can them 5. Tuy
                   nhien, nhffng tff tan cilng la -quy khong theo nguyen t^c nay (nhff
                   trong solioquies).
                   essay     ->      essays

                   monkey  ->        monkeys

             Glal til

                Gidi tff lien ket mot danh tff hoSc dai tff dffng sau no vdi mot tff khac
             trong cau.  Dung bang sau de giup ban nhan ra vai gidi tff dffOc sff dung
             nhieu  nhat:
                about       above      across       after     against    along

                amid        around     as           at        before    behind
                beloft      beneath    beside       between beyond      but
                by          despite    down         during    except     for
                from        in         inside       into      like      near
                on          onto       of           off       opposite  out
                outside     over       past         since     through   to
                toward      under      undemea.!'      t  ' *  upon     with

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