Page 111 - Tiếng Anh Cho Học Sinh Trường Dạy Nghề
P. 111


                    W E E K D A Y   SC HED ULE    W E E K E N D   SC H ED U LE

             from  _____   to  ______  every   ’______   from  ______  to  ______  every

            from  ______  to  ______  e v ery ___________ ,  from  ______  to  ______  every
            from  ______  to  ______  e v ery __________________________________  from  _______   to  _____   every

            from   ______   to  _______  every  ______________________________________________
            from  ______  to  ______  every  ________________________________________ _______

            from  ______  to  ______  e v e ry ________________________________________

           B. Read the question and then use the information above to answer it.
             Đọc câu  hỏi  và  sau  đó  sử dụng thông tin   trẽn  để trả   lời.

             1.  How often does the bus run after m idnight?________________
             2.  How often does the bus run  in the afternoon on the weekend?

             3.  How often does the bus run during the  rush h o u r? _________
             4.  If there is a bus at 3:30 p.m. on weekday, when does the next
                bus le a v e ? ____________________________________________
             5.  If there is a bus at 3:30 p.m. on the weekend, when does the
                next bus leave?__________^ _____________________________
             6. When does the airport bus run more frequently-from  10:00
                a.m. to 3:00  p.m.  or from 6:00  p.  m. to 8:00 p.  m.?   ______

           On  Your Own
          A. Get a bus schedule, subway schedule, ortrain schedule.  Use the
             schedule to answer the questions below.
             1.  How often does it run  before the morning rush  hour?

             2.  How often does it run during the morning rush hour?
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