Page 90 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 90

7.  “rm   going out  now.”  -   “  ______ you  happen  to  pass  a  chem ist’s,  would
             you get me some aspirins?”
              A.  Had           lì. Did            c. Should         D. Would

         8.  “I can’t understand our new French teacher’s accent.’
              A.  Nor can I     B. Nor do I        c. Neither do I   D. Neither will I
         9.  “Did you know the Queon was in town yesterday?”
             “Y es.______ I gone shopping, I would have seen her.”
              A. Were           B. Was             c. Should         D. Had

         10.  “So, how was the
             “It was great!______ you come, you would have enjoyed yourself.”
              A. Should         B. Had             c. Were           D. Would

         11.  “Jane bought a new dress this morning.”
             “What a coincidence!______.”
              A. So did I       B. So have I       c. Nor did I      D. Nor have I

         12.  “I  hope you  didn’t  go  out  in  the  hot  sun.”  -   “We  waited   the  sun
             had gone down, before we went for a walk.”
              A. that           B. until          c. to              D. for

         13.  “Does Joanna walk to work?”
             “N o .______ it is, she always takes the bus.”
              A. Where          B. Wherever       c. As far as       D. As near as

         14.  “Peter’s amazing.” -  “I know.      he had a broken foot,  he managed to
             walk 10 m iles.”
              A.  Despite       B. í]ven though  c. Whereas          D. Yet

         15.  “I hope you havc enough money to take a cab home.”
             “I took some extra m oney______ I needed it.”
             A. in case         B. even if        c. unless          D.  so that
         16.  “Jane is really conscientious, isn’t she?”
             “Absolutely.______ , she is very efficient.”
             A. So         B. All the same        c. What is more        D. still
         17.  “Is  Leona teeling alright?”  -   “Yes,  but  she  had been teeling sick for over
             a w eek______ she fínally called a doctor.”
             A. after           B. before         c. once            D. while
         18.  “What happened to the plane?”
             “It had hardly touched dow n__       it burst into ílam es.”
             A .than            B .that           c. when            D. sooner
         19.  “Did  you  arrive  at  the  station  on  time?”  -   “No,  I  missed  the  5  o’clock
            train,______ , there was another one after 5 m inutes.”
             A. despite         B. besides        c. also            D. hovvever
                                        Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh  91
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