Page 110 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 110

3.   A. review          B. publicity      c. media           D. reputation
        4.   A.  loan           B. rent           c. let             D. hire
        5.   A. together        B. plus           c. as              D. extra
        6.   A. made            B. suffered       c. done            D.caused
        7.   A. listened        B.  overheard     c. remarked        D. suspected
        8.   A. took            B. landed         c. boarded         D. caught
        9.   A. deposit         B.  refund        c. guarantee       D. cut
         10.  A. travel         B. ride           c. excursion       D .trip
         11.  A.  ferry         B. tour           c. cruise          D.cargo
         12.  A. couple         B. pair           c. duo             D. double
         13  A. harmed          B. limited        c. prevented       D.reduced
         14.  A. spaces         B. lounges        c. halls           D. sitting-rooms
         15  A. others          B. left           c. else            D. rest

         14.                          MATHS IS BEST
            In  the  top  class  at  Medbury  School,  maths  is  the  most  popular  A-level
        subject.  Of the  55  students,  28  have  chosen  to  (1)  ______ the  exam.  And  of
        these  28,  10  have  chosen  to  follow  not  One  but  two  of  the  three  available
        A-level (2 )______ .
            Nor is this anything new. Maths regularly (3)______more pupils than other
        A-levels,  (4)  ______  subjects  such  21S  sociology  or  English,  which  traditionally
        were more usually (5)______hy girls -  for Medbury is a girls’ school.
            This interest  must be  (6 )______the importance that is given to maths at
        the  school.  However,  the  (7 )______  ,  Olivia  Lake,  finds  that  many  11-year-
        old  girls  she  intervievvs  as  part  of  the  (8)  ______  test  say  maths  is  their
        favourite  subject.  “In  the  old  days,  girls  were  not  given  much  (9)  _______if
        they wanted to do maths, especially in co-educational schools.  But in a single
        sex  school  today,  they  are  deíínitely  not  pressured  to  avoid  a  (10)  ______
        involving maths.  I  am sure that this (11)______how the girls perform in the
           Student  Sarah  Hill  (12)  ______  up  the  success  of the  Medbury  method:
        “In  my  mother’s  day  maths  was  (13)  ______  a  dry  subject,  and  the  teacher
        had  to make  (1 4 )______ the  subject hy having a  nice  personality.  But that’s
        no  longer  true.  Girls  get  interested  in  the  subject  itself  and  want  to  (15)

        1.   A. make            B. take           c. pass               D. mark
        2.   A. courses         B. lectures       c. periods            D. terms
        3    A. appeals         B. suits          c. concerns           D. attracts
        4.   A. overcoming      B. competing      c. beating            D. winning
        5.   A. deserved        B. gained         c. obtained           D. picked
        6.   A. according to    B. as regards     c. due to             D. seeing that
        7.   A. boss            B. head           c. chief              D. captain

                                       Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh   111
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