Page 241 - Sổ Tay 100 Mẹo Vặt Sử Dụng Máy Vi Tính
P. 241
Mozilla Firefax Setup
Welcome to the Mozilla Piretox
Setup Wizard
TNs wizdrd giide you through the inst^tion tíf MozÌa
It ts recommended thet you close iằ other aprỂcations
before starting Setup. Thíỉ w l meke it possble to update
reỉevent System flc$ without having to reboot your
Oớ. Next to continue.
Nhấp Next để tiếp tục.
A Mozilla Firefox Setup
License Agteement
Please revicvií the kense terms beíore nstaRng Mozla Firefox.
Press Page Dovwi to see the rest of the agreement.
V e rs i o n 3.0, nay 2008
A source code v e r s i on o£ certaln Fxre f o x Browser
ỉ u nc t i ona l i ty thai y o u m a y use, m od ỉ f y and distribute
Ì8 avaỉlabXe to you £ree-of-charge £ r o m
wrww.mo2i U un đer the H o z i X l a Public License and
other open source so£tware licenses.
If you accept the terms the aye«nent, cSck the check box bclow. You must a c c ^ the
agreement to instdl Mozla Pìrd^ox. Ock Next to continue.
|E |jí,q ẽ B t ^ e _ tẽ ^ Ị n ịbe
< &âck tjext > I Cancel
Đánh dấu vào ô I accept the terms in the License
Agreement sau đó nhấp Next > để tiếp tục.