Page 22 - Phòng Và Điều Trị Bệnh Đái Tháo Đường
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Knowler W.C., Pettitt D.J et al (1998) “Transient
impaired glucose tolerance in Pima Indians: Is it
important”, BMJ 297, pp.1438-1441].
Ty le mile DTD d 2 gidi nam va ntf thay doi tuy thuoc
9, , /v
vao cac vung dan ctf khac nhau. 0 Bac My va Tay Au
ty le ntf /nam thtfdng la 1/4. Ngay trong mot quan the
nghien ctfu ty le nii/nam m&c DTD con tuy thuoc vao
tuoi, dieu kien song. O cac vung do thi Thai Binh
Dtfdng ty le nfl/nam la 3/1, [Paul Zimmet, (1983),
“Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus”. Diabetes Mellitus
Theory and Practice, 451 - 465] trong khi d Trung
Quoc, Malaysia, An Do ty le mac DTD d ca 2 gidi ttfdng
dtfdng nhau [Kenneth Hughes, (1999), “Coronary Heart
Desease and Coronary Risk Profiles of asian in
SingaporeMedical Progress 2. Vol.26 No.2].
o , _
O Viet Nam ntf gidi mac DTD nhieu hdn nam gidi
va chiem tdi 2/3 so' ngtfdi DTD. Anh htfdng cua gidi
tinh len kha nang m&c benh DTD diin bien khong
theo quy luat, no tuy thuoc vao chung toe, do tuoi,
dieu kien song, mtfc do beo phi. [Phan Si Quoc va
cong si% (1994), “Blood Glucose Distribution and
Prevalence of Diabetes in Hanoi”. American Journal
of Epidemiology. Vol 139, No. 7.]
Dia du
Cac nghien ctfu ty le DTD deu cho thay rang loi
song cong nghiep hien dai anh hudng rat Idn den kha