Page 98 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 98


               Hay nhin lai bang liet ke, ban se thay c6 nhffng khuon mlu sau:
               1.  Dai tir bat dinh tan cilng la -body luon \k so it. Cac tir loai n&y bao
                  gom anybody, somebody, nobody.
               2.  Dai tir bat dinh tan cilng la -one luon 1£ so it. Nhffng tff dang niy
                  bao gom anyone,  everyone, someone v& one.

               3.  Dai tff bat dinh both, few, many, others xk several luon \k sd nhieu.
               4.  Dai tff bat dinh all,  any,  more,  most,  none va some c6 the 1& s6 it
                  ho&c so nhieu, tily vao cach ta dilng tff d6 trong cau nhff the nio

               Day la mot sd vi du:
                  One of the gerbils is missing.
                  Mot con chuot nhdy da di mat.
                  (One): chu ngff sd it
                  (is): dong tff sd it
                  Chu ngff so it one phai di vdi dong tff sd it is.
                  Both of the gerbils are missing.
                   Cd hai con chuot nhdy dd di mat.
                   (Both):  chu ngff sd nhieu
                   (are):  dong tff sd nhieu

                   Chu ngff sd nhieu both phai di vdi dong tff sd nhieu are.
                  All of the beef stew was devoured.
                   Toan bo mon thit bd ham deu duoc an het sgch.
                   (All):  chu ngff sd it
                   (was): dong tff sd it

                   Trong trffdng hdp nay, all dffdc dung de chi mot ddn vi. Vi vay, no
                   phai di vdi dong tff so it was.
                   Many of the guests are sick of Tedious Ted’s endless chatter.

                   Nhieu ngudi khdch  thay phdt chan cau chuy$n huyen thuyen doty
                   dai cua Tedious Ted.

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