Page 80 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 80

3.  The (longer, longest) town name in the world has 167
                       4.  I’ve learned that you shouldn’t compare yourself to the
                          (better, best) others can do.
                       5.  I’ve learned that two people can look at the exact same
                          thing and see something (total, totally) different.
                       6.  Every day (most, more) money is printed for Monopoly
                          than for the U.S. Treasury.
                       7.  My friend Fred is not the (brightest^ brighter) hght on
                          the Ferris wheel.
                       8.  If everything seems to be going (good, well), you have
                          obviously overlooked something.
                       9.  The grass is always (more greener, greener) when you
                          leave the sprinkler on.
                       10. The (longer, longest) recorded flight of a chicken is 13

                       11. The average person is about a quarter of an inch (tall,
                          taller, tallest) in the morning.

                       12. The Neanderthal’s brain was (big, bigger, biggest) than
                          yours is.
                        13. Your right lung takes in (more, most) air than your left
                          lung does.
                        14. Women’s hearts beat (fast, faster, fastest) than men’s
                        15. There are (more, most) plastic flamingos in America
                          than real ones.
                        16.  Each day is 0.00000002 seconds (long,  longer, long­
                          est) than the one before because the Earth is gradually
                           slowing down.
                        17.  The  total  weight  of all  insects  on  Earth  is  12  times
                           (more great, greater, greatest, most greatest) than the
                           weight of all the people on Earth.

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