Page 140 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 140
2. (Viet thira thdi, ph6p In du) lk ph6p tu rtf so sinh hai
thff khac nhau de dien ta sff viec it quen thuoc hdn.
3. (Tiif bd nghla, thknh ngff) lk mQt tff hokc cum tir mifiu li
mot chu ngff dqng tiif hokc tan ngff.
4. (Tff bd nghla sai cho, cau true dtf thffa) Ik mQt cum til,
menh de hokc tff dkt quk xa danh tff hokc dai tir mk n6
mieu ta. Ket qua lk cau khong the truyen tai chinh x$c
^ tudng cua ban.
5. Tff (baggy, sacrifice, exhaust, vegtable) viet sai chinh
6. Do loi phat am nen khi viet ta thtfdng them nhtfng (til
bd nghla, nguyen am) khong can thiet vko gitfa tif.
7. (Their, There, They're) lk tiif sd hffu.
8. (Dau ltfdc, dau phay) dtfdc dung de chi quan h? sd
thuoc vk dang sd nhieu.
9. Dau cau nay cung cho biet (tff rut gon, cau true song
song) ma trong dd cd mQt tff hokc sd da dtfdc bd bdt.
10. (Dau ngokc kdp, dau cham than) tao nen mot giong
dieu cau ky khien <j cua ban bi giam bdt.
CflU |c& h it KgkifMl
Chon cau tra Idi dung nhat cho moi cau hdi.
1. The following are all grammar and usage errors except
(a) Incorrect idioms
(b) Lack of parallel structure
(c) Missing commas or extra commas
(d) Dangling modifiers
2. The following are all classified as errors in mechanics
(a) Biased language
(b) Missing or misused apostrophes