Page 131 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 131
Altar: be thd
The priest placed the prayer book on the altar.
Vien muc sU dtft quyen sach cau nguyen len b§ thd.
Alter: thay doi
She had to alter her dress.
Co ay phai doi vay.
Arc: dffdng cong
The walls have an arc rather than a straight line.
Cac btfc tudng co dudng cong chit khong phai dudng thang.
Ark: con thuyen l<5n
Noah loaded the ark with animals.
Noah dua cac con thu len thuyen.
Are: dpng tff so nhieu
Mae West said, “Brains are an asset, if you hide them.”
Mae West dd noi, “Bq ndo la tdi san Idn, neu ban giau no di. ”
Our: cua chung ta
There’s someone in the corner of our living room.
Co ai do trong gdc phong khdch cua chung tdi.
Ascent: di len
She made a quick ascent up the corporate ladder!
Co ay di len rat nhanh tren ndc thang sUnghiep d cong ty!
Assent: dong y
I assent your plan.
Tdi dong y vdi ke hoach cua ban.
Bare: tran
You can find a lot of bare people in nudist camps.
Ban co the gap rat nhieu ngudi d tran trong cac trUdng phai khoa
Bare: tff nhien, gian di
Just take the bare essentials when you go camping.
Ctf dem nhtfng thtf can thiet nhat khi ban di cam trai.