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                CoreCRAW Graphics Stilte X3

                             GRAPHICS SUĨTE

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                 CareU)RAWỈR) Graphics Suite X3

                           GRAPHICS SUITE

                  Dne or more of the Followirtg minimum System requirements have not be en met.
                  Cllck 'Cortlnue’ to iợwe the recommended mrtmum System reqiirements and rtstal CoreDRAVi^R) Graphics Stíle X3.
                  Ckk 'CanceT to exjt the setiiỊ).
                   System Requirements:
                   operating System(s):
                   Wỉndow$ 2000 w/ 5M, Windows XP w/ SP2, Vrtndovvs Server 2003
                   Pentium m, 600 MRĩ or ọreater

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